Staying in a location unknown to you sometimes causes unexpected problems or questions
That is why we provide you with some tips and information that will make your stay easier. You can also find the (obvious) house rules here.
Of course, you can reach us at any time via Whatsapp (or by phone) for questions or for matters that are still unclear.
(House) Rules:
- accommodation for up to 2 people (minimum age 12, excluding babies up to 1 year)
- pets are not allowed
- smoking is not allowed; smoking is allowed in a part of the garden
- avoid noise pollution, especially after 11 PM.
- parking is available across the street; please note that in Germany it is forbidden to park against the direction of travel
- bikes can be parked on the side of our house; this is why you also get a key from the garden gate
- a part of the garden can be used freely to get some fresh air or to smoke a cigarette in a small private seating area
Your privacy is our main goal. So in order not having to come to our private quarters to ask a question and neither will we enter your quarters for whatever reason you can reach us at any time by a whatsapp message (or by calling us on the phone), whether we're at home or not.